We managed to set up irrigation for our potatoes, and therefore got a little rain. But we will be irrigating every night this week in hopes to have a decent crop of potatoes. We will include the first of the potatoes this week in the produce bag along with Eggplant! If our produce bags are too large, feel free to order a half bag with a smaller selection of produce.
The next chicken butcher date is August 19th. We hope these birds will be around the 4-7lb mark this time around. Feel free to order earlier to make sure you get a chicken as the last round we managed to sell out. We will also be butchering again in September and in October when we take in our Turkey, if you have not yet ordered a Thanksgiving Turkey feel free to order now to reserve your bird.
cucumbers Guelph Market Garlic 2022
We will be trying to keep our website more up to date, but with the summer produce wave, it is hard to find or make the time.